phpMyForum - The Forum Backend for PHP
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Welcome to phpMyForum

This is the home page to the phpMyForum project. phpMyForum is intended to be a drop-in solution to PHP web builders who want a set of back-end objects that provide complete forum functionality without providing specific presentational models.

phpMyForum Status: Planning and Design.

Using this Site

To the left you should see a menu with the pages and sections currently available on this web site. Please use this to browse the site.

Feedback and Suggestions

We are currently looking for opinions as to what to plan into the software. We've prepared a 'whiteboard' so you can see what we're thinking of doing. If you feel you have some suggestions as to features or architectural issues, please email us

We have also registered an IRC channel for phpMyForum discussion. Connect to ( in the UK) and join channel #phpmyforum.


License: BSD... What does this mean? Well you can download phpMyForum and use it for free. Not only that but you can even make changes to the source code without having to give them back to the the world (which would be the case with GPL). Why allow this? To permit take up by commercial organizations that may be prevented from using phpMyForum otherwise. That doesn't mean we don't encourage changes to be made public (we certainly would like changes should the programmer feel they would be useful to others).

Web site last update: 2002-08-19.

James Green
james at